Piotr Jędrzejewski - kinetic art
2020 Pracę zrealizowano dzięki Stypendium artystycznemu Prezydenta Wrocławia The work was carried out thanks to the Artistic scholarship of the President of Wrocław materials: HPL, anodized aluminium, brass dimensions: 220 x 170 x 60 cm feeding: 12V DC photo: Reanata Bonter-Jędrzejewska
2020 materials: cardboard, MDF dimensions: 320 X 130 x 20 cm feeding: 230V AC photo: Janusz Bochajczuk
1994 materials: brass, steel feeding: 230V AC dimensions: 30 x 30 x 20 cm
2020 Pracę zrealizowano dzięki Stypendium artystycznemu Prezydenta Wrocławia The work was carried out thanks to the Artistic scholarship of the President of Wrocław materials: HPL, anodized aluminium, brass dimensions: 220 x 170 x 60 cm feeding: 12V DC photo: Reanata Bonter-Jędrzejewska